


Dr. John Amaral: „The Energy Experience“
We are so excited to have seen our colleague Dr. John Amaral from California on Gwyneth Paltrow’s Netflix’ Goop Lab episode: The Energy Experience. If you haven’t had a chance to watch it yet it’s totally worth the 24 min run time. In the episode, Dr. John explains...
The Balance of Stability & Instability and Why You Need Both
There is a dance in the body, in life and in nature between stability and instability. This balance is what holds us together and simultaneously provides for flexibility and grace. The body has a beautiful balance between stability and instability. We are stable...
Daisy – The Pure Heart & Soul of a Dog
Adventurer, Cuddler & Professional Cutie Instagram: @daisy_a_cavalierI love going for walks in the forest, hiking, jumping over hurdles and pulling stuffing out of my stuffed chew toys. How I Spend My Time Recent Travels Recently I traveled to Southern Germany and...
Fight or Flight
One very old or primitive response deeply programmed into our body and nervous system is the Fight or Flight response. It is sometimes referred to as the fight, flight or freeze response. This response, or adaptation, was used primitively for basic survival. It is a...
It’s All Energy
What is energy? Is energy only some sort of weird meta-physical concept or phenomenon? No. You don’t have to be enlightened or high to be aware of energy or vibration. Energy is the simplest building block of our physical world. What we perceive as having structure...
Discovering The Gifts Within Crisis
Times of crisis are often no fun. Difficult times and situations in life are unavoidable. It is part of the deal, part of being human and provides perspective. How can we perceive positive things if we don’t have the contrast of so-called negative things? It’s similar...
Problem or Opportunity?
Let’s talk a little about problems shall we. The problem that we might perceive, be it in a relationship, at work or in life is usually the symptom of a larger issue. In many cases it may be an opportunity for growth. When we are able to “grow through” our “problems”...
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