Linda Schroeder
Master-E, Certified Network Spinal Practitioner, Chiropractor
Dave Asprey is one of the most famous Biohackers around. He is the creator of Bulletproof Coffee, has written and co-authored 5 books and is the host of his own successful Biohacking podcast. Interestingly enough, Dave Asprey has also showed his interest and respect for Dr. Donny Epstein’s Network Spinal. On one of his podcasts, Dave interviews Network Practitioner Dr. John Amaral and tells his story of his first experiences getting entrained. The episode is definitely worth listening to. Why might a Biohacker have interest in Network Spinal? Well, let’s take a look.

Coherence at a Distance!
At the 2015 Symposium on Signal Processing and Mathematical Modeling of Biological Processes with Applications to Cyber-Physical Systems for Precise Medicine, two professors from the University of Southern California’s Electrical Engineering Department presented their research regarding Network Spinal Entrainments and the Network Wave. Among the many amazing findings of their research, they shared that their analysis “reveals a coherence at a distance between sEMG signals, which because of its large-scale reproducibility could become a test for properly functioning Central Nervous System.[1]“ They basically state that Network Entrainments increase coherence (function and efficiency) in the nervous system. If this is true then Network Spinal works to upgrade the human operating system!
By now, everyone has upgraded and updated their devices for new features or so they work faster and more efficiently, Network Spinal upgrades your system software. One amazing feature of the human body is that when the software gets upgraded, the hardware will follow quickly behind. Greater efficiency leads to an improved ability to function and thus to heal.

Biohacking is all about getting more performance from your body. How can I improve efficiency? How can I improve effectiveness? How can I live longer? How can I get healthier than ever before? Dave Asprey has been quoted as saying that he expects to live to be 180 years old! With this goal in mind, there is a lot that has to go right and many moving parts that need to be maintained. Whether you want to live that long or not, it’s a good idea to take care of the body that you have.
Life is often a bumpy road and resilience is a very helpful quality to have. If your system is highly reactive to stress, there may be some strategies to help process it with more ease and grace. If we want to not only live a long life, but also live a happy and healthy life, there will be some recommended system upgrades and updates to help navigate this changing environment.
Action Steps:
- List three things that you are currently doing to maintain your health
- List three things that you are currently doing to improve or upgrade your health
- List three things that you are not doing but know would totally upgrade your health
- Implement point 3 in your life. Find a way to make it happen, and enjoy knowing that you are one step closer to the life you deserve.
Joy-fully Yours,
[1] E. Jonckheere, R. Martin del Campo. Stationary regime for Standing Wave Central Pattern Generator. GlobalSIP 2015 — Symposium on Signal Processing and Mathematical Modeling of Biological Processes with Applications to Cyber-Physical Systems for Precise Medicine. 2015.